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Local Government

We Help Governments Stay Connected and Engaged with 

the Citizens of  Their Community. 

Bridging the Gap between Government and Citizens

We help local government design and implement an effective one-stop mobile app to provide citizens with many benefits to improve their quality of life such as access to an integrated suite of online government services and information portal; a mechanism to deliver critical and just-in-time information to its citizens to aid in addressing issues such as the COVID-19 healthcare crisis or disasters; and a mechanism for citizen communication and engagement as well as citizen sentiment capture and analysis.  Citizens greatly benefit by having transparent online access to these government information and related services; receiving just-in-time and critical information for proactive action; and having a clear line of communication with the government. Among the many features a one-stop community mobile app can provide may include the following:


Public Alerts
and Notifications
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Permit Renewals and Applications
Application Design
Voter Registration & Locations
Interactive Budget Transparency Reports
Financial Report
Online Payments for Taxes, Tickets & Fees
Paying with a Phone
Library Registration & Locator
College Library
Apply for Open Government Jobs
Political Conference
 Agencies & Officials Contact Information

Learn More About the Communities We Serve

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